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Tecloman’s Quantum Leap: Reimagining Energy Storage

The American Clean Power (ACP) has reported a remarkable surge in large-scale Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) in the US during Q3 2023, already surpassing the entire year of 2022. In this quarter alone, 2,142MW/6,227MWh of large-scale BESS came online, marking a 21% increase from the previous quarter and a significant 63% rise from the previous year. This surge has pushed the total capacity for the first three quarters of 2023 to 4,500MW, exceeding the 2022 total of around 4,000MW. When measured by MWh capacity, this year has seen approximately 13,000MWh installed, compared to the 12,000MWh for the whole of 2022.

Future Looks Bright

The BESS development pipeline in the US, encompassing projects under construction or in ‘advanced’ development, has also grown substantially. It now stands at around 21.5GW/62.1GWh, consisting of 262 projects, with California leading the way at 9.3GW, followed by Texas with 3.2GW, and Arizona at 2.5GW. This remarkable growth in large-scale BESS reflects the increasing importance of energy storage in the transition to clean energy sources, and Q3 2023 is now celebrated as the highest third quarter on record for installations across clean energy in the US.

Empowering the Future of Energy Transformation

The Tecloman 250 kW Power Conversion System is a game-changer in the domain of utility-scale energy storage. With a built-in isolation transformer, it directly connects with three-phase 100% unbalanced loads. This system supports multi-machine parallel connection, catering to diverse power levels. It offers adaptability through frequency, voltage, and inertia support, making it versatile for dynamic energy needs. Operating in a wide temperature range from -25°C to 55°C, it excels even in extreme environments, including high humidity and salt spray. With multiple control modes and an integrated Energy Management System (EMS), it ensures intelligent energy management and optimal utilization.

Seamless Integration: The Pre-fabricated Energy Storage System

Our Pre-fabricated Energy Storage System is a groundbreaking solution that offers unbeatable convenience and efficiency. Housed within a 20/40ft container, this energy storage system meets the demands of megawatt-level power output. It integrates an energy storage system, battery management system, DC cabinet, temperature control system, and fire protection system. This versatile system can be paired with a power conversion system, making it suitable for a variety of energy storage applications. Whether it’s for new energy consumption, peak-load balancing, emergency backup power, or dynamic capacity enhancement, this system stands ready to perform.

In Conclusion

Tecloman’s utility scale batteries are not just products; they are innovations that are reshaping the landscape of efficient, reliable energy management. With an unwavering commitment to efficiency, dependability, and sustainability, we lead the way in transforming how the world stores and utilizes energy. Join us on this journey toward a brighter and more sustainable energy future with Tecloman’s utility-scale energy storage.

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